Obi & Bo – Happy in their new home with Meredith & new sheep friend Jingo!
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Hia hun,
Just wanted to drop you a quick line to say that Obi and Bo have settled wonderfully. It’s like they have always been here, they are happy as Larry! Obi is more affectionate than Jingo (Jingo dissed us a bit at first-stopping the bottle and the boys coming, but she is loving again now). Obi gives kisses and licks my face all over lol, he LOVES being loved! Bo is still shy, however he took a shine to my Mum when she visited last week, I said he’s a bit shyer Mum and then he gave her kisses and let stroke him all over!
They are adorable, feeding time with 3 is chaos, they knock me flying ha ha! And we’ve had to protect our outbuilding mirrored fridge, Bo thinks it’s another ram and butts it!
They love their shelter, we lock them in a night but on bad weather days we leave it open and let them graze our garden grass (instead of the fields), yesterday the weather was crap and by choice they spent all day indoors on hay.
They are so funny! Right characters.
All is well, oh and they’ve met the dog. The dog is disinterested in them but they are a bit nervous of him, they try and herd away from him so slowly does it, they are not freely mixing just yet.
Hope all is well with you and the fam.
Merry x
Hi Lucy,
Happy New Year to you. Wanted to drop you a line to tell you how well our boys (and girl) are doing. Jingo is boss, the boys follow her everywhere. Bo isn’t as shy anymore, he loves to give kisses and have a stroke but he’s a bit shy of cuddles. Obe loves cuddles, would stand there all day for cuddles if I would lol!
We had a little scare with Obe last year, one day I went to call them in and he wasn’t himself at all, shying away in the field on his own. It was Sunday teatime but I didn’t take any risks in delaying so I phoned the vet put Obe in the car and took him down to Pwhelli to meet him. Vet listened to his chest and said very early signs of pneumonia, gave him some jabs, he was right as rain the next day, phew! Other than that all good. They’ve had their vaccinations and we’re a dab hand at worming them now (although they are getting too big for us to pick up and weigh them in our arms).
After pneumonia scare vet recommended that we keep them in when the weather is very bad or very cold but with plenty of ventilation. They don’t mind staying in, recently in the blizzards they stayed in for 4 whole days. I had to keep digging out to feed them and the blizzard was so fine it was getting in all the gaps near the roof. The sheep were still dusted in snow inside! Snow drifts were bad, 6ft in places, had to get a digger to dig out our track. Hope you all got through it ok, hard with animals in bad weather. Our field taps froze (despite being insulated) and we seemed to spend a week hiking water out to our horses, nightmare!
Once the weather picked up and we let the sheep out out they were leaping about like spring lambs, lol, bless em, they must have been bored. They hang out with our dog happily now, when the dog’s guarding and running around the perimeter wall they run and leap and bound after him. They chase him and head butt him sometimes, people that come here find it hilarious that the guard dog and guard sheep all go running to the gate ha ha!!!
So many funny little characteristics I could tell you about, they’re a joy, love em to bits. Thank you for entrusting them to us. Hope life is good your end. It’s been a long wet Winter, roll on the Spring.
Meredith x

Iris, Velvet & Ivy – Looking very happy in their new home!
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Dear Lucy
I though I would send photos of our little family showing noisy Velvet and nosy Ivy. They are all enjoying themselves immensely on the new paddock. The other fields are being rested at the present time. I hope you are keeping well and not working too hard on the farm.
Best wishes Eirlys.xx

Hatty, Bramble & Chickpea – Happily settled in their new home with Emma!
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Hi Lucy,
Was so lovely to meet you too! I’m just so sorry it was all so rushed, I would have loved to have spent more time there! I was great to see how much you cared for them 🙂
The girls were as good as gold all the way back, we hardly heard a baa out of them tehehe. They were quite obviously a bit nervous when I first went into the van but I soon lured them with sheepnuts and we managed to lead them out on halters into the field no problem 🙂 they are now happily munching away!
Aww thank you that will be really useful I’ve just been sitting reading my sheep book, I think they should really write especially for pet sheep!
I’ll let you know how we get on 🙂
Take care x
Hi Lucy how are you?
Just thought i’d update you on how things are going with our new sheepington friends 🙂 They have settled in really well and i can’t imagine life without them!
As you can imagine Hatty loves her fuss, she’s always comming for cuddles and is full of personality and definately leader of the gang!haha!Cinders (who i’v now named chickpea because she is so small and cute) has just started really enjoying fuss aswell this week which put a huge smile on my face 🙂 she’s always seemed very interrested but a little apprehensive at first.She is bottom of the pecking order bless her so and the other pair tell her what for!Pony (who i’v renamed Bramble after she spent her first few days here with a huge bramble stuck on her side and wouldn’t let me anywhere near her to get it!) is a right funny character and extremely vocal!She’s the first to have a moan at you but also the first to run away!hehe!Everone who comes across Bramble has a soft spot for her!She definately is the most nervous but thinks with her belly which can be useful 🙂 i would be shocked if she ever got into fuss but it’s quite nice having one thats a little bit more wild !
As for halter trainig i decided to leave it a while so they could just gain confidence in me, i took the halter in the field the other day thinking of possibly doing some training with Hatty,she was having loads of fuss but as soon as she saw that Halter she was off!Haha!So i think i could do with making a pen to catch them in 🙂
I’m chuffed i had these three little lovelies off you i’m besotted with them!
Take care
Emma x

Mog, Hodge & Brandy – In their new home at a primary school!
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These 3 boys went to a new home at an amazing primary school in Bolton! We followed their adventures on the schools facebook page!

Dot, Barbara & Marshmallow – In their new home with Suzi and family!
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Hi Lucy
I hope you’re feeling better.
Just to let you know that Dot, Barbara and Marshmallow (as they are now named) arrived safely and have settled in really well. I’ve attached a few photos so you can see them (being well looked after) in their new home.
Thanks and best regards

Ponty and Jelly – At home with Amanda and family!
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Just to let you know Ponty and Jelly seem to have settled in very nicely. They were rather wary to begin with and my horse and our dog couldn’t quite work them out! They all seem to be getting on really well now. It was lovely to meet you on Friday. Best wishes Amanda. Ps. This is my daughter with Jelly!

Bagi – Looking very happy in his new home in Devon!
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Hi Lucy, Just thought I would give you an update on Bagi, he has really settled in well, after being shawn he did look very hand some in his black coat, he comes back to the house for breakfast and tea and boy do we know he is there. If we are watching the television he can see us and does not stop bleating until one of us goes out to see him, he loves to have his chest rubbed and gets jealous if I am stroking the Dartmoor and pushes in between us. Nigel spoils him and if he is working in the field Bagi will run up to see what he is doing. He is King pin over the girls and they all follow him around, sometimes with a look on their faces as to what is he up to now. He is good and knows to keep a distance from the horses, however they all seem to stay together and graze, altogether he has fitted in to his new lifestyle perfectly and we love him so thank you for letting us have him. I hope you and all your family are well and didn’t get too washed our in all that rain. I will upload some photos of Bagi when I get a minute and send you some, Chris.