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Autumn 2022

I will be updating the shop throughout October with various Autumn and Halloween-inspired woolly crafts so please keep an eye on the website over the next few weeks if you are looking for unique handcrafted gifts. I haven’t had many shop updates 2022 for which I apologise. It has been a chaotic busy year for me and my family and I’ve struggled to find time and energy to make needle-felted crafts and share photos on social media but I hope to get back into the swing of things now the nights are drawing in and I find myself with a little more time. I have a lovely collection of rugs, felted collars, keyrings and some felted creatures that will be added to the shop over the coming weeks.

I am still closed for commissions and requests but I will take names/details if you wish to be notified when there is a shop update or if there is a particular felted fleece rug you would like to purchase in the future. The website shop is set for UK customers only but I can ship my creations worldwide so please contact me if you are an overseas customer and which to purchase something from the shop. You can reach me using the contact form or on Instagram and Facebook messages.

You might notice that the prices of items in my shop have increased since the last shop updates. This is thanks to the rising cost of living and also me valuing my work a little more. I wish I didn’t have to jump aboard that ‘cost of living’ ship and charge more for the things I make but my reality is that sheep feed has all but doubled in price over this last year. We are heading into winter now and it’s a pretty scary thought to think a bag of sheep feed now costs almost double what it did this time last year. Couple that with the drought that England experienced this summer and Hay is more scarce and prices have rocketed. So therein lies the main cause of the price increases. I don’t agree with blanket increases in price but I need to make sure I can afford to keep 90+ sheep through the winter months. People that have met me and know me will be able to tell you how passionate I am about the high quality of the crafts I make. I don’t rush processes and churn out felted rugs and needle-felted crafts that are not properly felted and charge the same high prices. Everything I make is made with extreme care, love and however much time it needs to be its best. I always put myself in someone else’s shoes and think ‘would I be happy with receiving this item having paid that price?’ My mum and husband who watch me craft and know how much time and care goes into everything will tell you hands down that I am still undervaluing my crafts..

Thank you to everyone who has supported the flock over the year and who is still following me and checking this website even with my lack of social media content and stock. If you buy any of the Autumnal crafts I hope you’ll love them as much as I have loved making them and know that your custom means so much to me and really is what is feeding the sheep, keeping them healthy, fixing fences and repairing the barn! 🙂

Lucy & the flock x